Part of resting is indulging in your hobbies!
Engage your mind and curiosities in ways that don’t count as work, and you’ll be able to discover life and joy in unexpected places. It’s not just fun, about it’s necessary for people to take breaks from the pressures or stresses of life. One of my hobbies? High quality, Japanese stationary.
Japanese quality and stationery is world-renowned, but the absolute best stationery in Japan? I sincerely believe there isn’t a better store than Itoya, particularly the one located in Ginza– the quality and service is unparalleled, and unlike anything I have ever experienced before.
The amount of paper types…

…and a whole floor dedicated to the paper craft of sharing…

But my favorite was a little special find on the “Notebooks” floor:

There were these notebook sets with illustrated covers of fish, and inside the front cover were instructions on how to cook with them. Simple and popular Japanese recipes, they had recipes for tekkamaki, grilled miso mackerel, and takoyaki.
But then I saw the one for fugu (Japanese blowfish)…
and it just made laugh a bit 🌞I love a piece of cheeky design ❣️