Kaki Okumura is an experienced Top Writer in Food, Cooking, Health, Travel, and Culture. Her writing on the platform Medium garners hundreds of thousands of views a month, and has been featured in magazines like Bon Appetit, Heated x Mark Bittman, the Beet, Yes! Magazine, and Katie Couric’s newsletter Wake Up Call.
Kaki has also been featured on several podcasts, and has conducted interviews with individuals prominent in the food world such as Michael Anthony of Gramercy Tavern, Eric Asimov of NYT Wine, and Yasuharu Mizuhara of Seigetsudo, among others.
If you’re interested in working together, please contact at kokumura@kakikata.space.
Featured in:

Podcast links:
- Amanda’s Wellbeing Podcast Episode 57: Japanese Approach to Food, Eating and Wellbeing with Kaki Okumura
- Jay Unwin’s Fit Body Fit Mind Episode 28: Kaki Okumura
- Dan Harris’ Over Here, Over There